Benefits and nutritional value of spinach - Freelancerroni

Benefits and nutritional value of spinach

Kachushak is a very popular vegetable in Bangladesh, especially in rural areas. Growing carelessly in the corner of the backyard, in the paddy field isle, on the edge of the bill, kachushak is easily available, you don't have to buy or eat it. Kachushak is eaten in different ways. However, kachupata mash and curry are more popular. Kachu vegetable curry with hilsa, shrimp, small fish or dried fish is very popular in Bangladesh. Many people do not want to give importance to Kachushak as it is very easily available. But these kachu vegetables can meet a lot of daily nutritional needs. Kachushak is a very good source of vitamin A, Kachushak plays a very important role in preventing all types of diseases caused by vitamin A deficiency including Ratakana disease. Moreover, Kachushak is rich in iron and has a lot of respect for it. When the amount of hemoglobin in our blood decreases, all the doctors recommend eating kachu sak. In addition to Vitamin A, it contains Vitamin B and C-O. Therefore, kachusaka has an equal role in the prevention of mouth and skin diseases. It contains high levels of potassium, so it also reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Let's talk about the benefits and nutritional value of spinach.
Nutritional value of kachushak
Cucumbers are rich in vitamins and minerals. Each 100 grams of kachusha contains 6.8 grams of sugar, 3.9 grams of protein, 10 milligrams of iron, 0.22 milligrams of vitamin B-1 (thiamine), 0.27 milligrams of vitamin B-2 (riboflavin), 12 milligrams of vitamins. C ', 1.5 grams of fat, 226 milligrams of calcium and 56 kilocalories of dietary energy.

Benefits: Let's not know about the benefits and nutritional value of kachu shak-

Kachu shak contains a lot of iron, so it is necessary to eat kachu shak for patients suffering from anemia.
Kachusha contains vitamin A which enhances our eyesight including prevention of various eye diseases including night blindness and cataracts.
Cucumbers are rich in fiber which helps in easy digestion of food. Those who have problems with constipation can eat kachushak.
Kachusha is rich in Vitamin C and its iron content is easily absorbed by your body. Moreover, vitamin C helps the body to heal wounds. So children should be fed spinach from an early age.
Lettuce plays a much more effective role in keeping the oxygen supply in our body active. Iron and folate in this vegetable increase the amount of blood. As a result oxygen circulation is adequate. Vitamin K present in it prevents bleeding problems.
The biggest benefit of spinach is that it is rich in calcium, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus. The role of spinach is very important in the formation of our teeth and bones and in the prevention of tuberculosis.
The variety of vitamins and minerals present in kachu sak is very beneficial for pregnant mother and baby. Cabbage is easily available so pregnant women from poor families can eat cabbage or cabbage to meet their vitamin and iron needs.
Moreover, playing kachushak lowers blood cholesterol, so kachushak and kachu are very beneficial for patients with high blood pressure. Regular consumption of kachushak also reduces the risk of colon cancer and breast cancer.

Eating spinach or kachu often causes itchy throat because it contains an ingredient called oxalate. So lemon juice or vinegar should be used while cooking kachu. However, those who have allergies in the body, it is better not to eat kachu or kachushak.

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